Let's talk about paper...
The "Real Academia Española (RAE)" attributes the etymological origin of paper to the Catalan word paper which, in turn, would derive from the Latin papyrus. The paper is a thin sheet made with paste of vegetable fibers that can come from wood, straw or other sources, are ground, bleached and dissolved in water. Then a drying and curing process is performed by different mechanisms.
The paper was developed by the Chinese based on waste silk, rice straw or hemp and cotton during the second century. Previously, Egyptians had developed papyrus from the stem of plants growing on the banks of the Nile River, while Europeans appealed to parchments created with tanned skins.
Today there are a myriad of paper types, which differ in durability (the ability to fulfill their functions during prolonged use), stability (to preserve its dimensions despite changes in atmospheric conditions) and resilience (the faculty to recover its original form after having been deformed). It is even possible to recycle used paper to avoid the felling of trees that involves producing more paper.
Likewise, it should not be forgotten that paper is usually classified further considering the format of the paper. That means we can talk about paper A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7 or A8.
It is also interesting to be clear that when classifying any type of paper in a deeper way, a wide range of criteria such as rigidity, resistance to pressure, weight, degree of whiteness it has, the opacity it presents or its porosity.
To all this should be added the fact that today paper is not only an element that becomes a tool of communication but also a material essential to art. Thus, there is the so-called origami paper, which is responsible for using paper to make all kinds of figures, or even there are sculptors who use this material to create their works in an original way.
Of course, it should not be forgotten either that paper is used to make money, specifically paper money, and even to create all kinds of furniture for the home or office.